September 20, 2009

p.s. i love you

so there is something so special about life that i cannot wait to capture. i feel like i am going to be looking for it all my life, but i do not care. the life i choose to live is going to one with a purpose. cause here is the thing... no matter what anyone says, no matter what happens, i am going to do what i choose to do. i want to make art that has such an amazing meaning. something that makes people remember when they felt most alive. but much of all, i want to make art that matters to me. art that reminds me of the blessing God has given me. i want everything i do to mean something. cause art is my passion.. nothing and no one will change that.

hillary elizabeth

September 13, 2009

12 hours and counting

so i am realizing what it means to be an art student. i know that seems like a dumb thing to say but i never realized that a life outside of art when you are studying it meant eating(sometimes), sleeping (sometimes), and for some people like myself... church.
i am learning to be flexible though, because this is something i love and i really do not want this to be something i lose my passion for. cause art is so wonderful to me, and i get to study it every day!

picture: minus one of the girls falling aslseep on the couch these are the things i stared at all day long. :/ today alone i spent 12 hours in the art department... the outside world is wonderful :)

hillary elizabeth

September 11, 2009

Learning to love type.

the project we are working on in our two d-design class has us working with typography. i never think of typography as such an art, but it really is. i am using the letter W and i am using a typeface called palatino. because if this class i am starting to realize how little things are so complex. well that and an amazing family member that i have who is going to do things that will change the world. these two things are making me realize decisions we make that seem so simple still convey to people what we feel and think. something about the fact that everything i do means something... might cause me to make decisions based off of what it can convey to other people.

the picture above is from the apartheid museum... this is all different fliers from when the people were actively working against the government to gain equality. each flier says something different. not just by its wording but by the colors, the pictures, and the typeface that they use.

hillary elizabeth

September 9, 2009

9. 9. 09

a guy in my art department who i was recently talking made the comment "artists spend 10 years of their life mastering a skill and then just continue to do it until they die" It is so depressing to think about... but it is entirely true. i pray that as i grow up i continue to be as curios as george.
This piece... or sketch really is from my bible class. its not biblical or anything. its just so boring so this is what i do.

hillary elizabeth

September 8, 2009

the start of something new

so now i'm at college, and i am starting my life in pursuit of an art career. that is so weird to think about... but i am excited for what college holds for me. i started at anderson university august 31st. i am a freshman and i am going through the art program here. right now the main thing i find difficult is juggling the homework for all of these classes. but i really do not have any complains because my time at school has been spectacular. i hope you like the picture. its part of my project for my two dimensional design course.

hillary elizabeth