December 6, 2010


its an interesting word, compassion. it can mean so many things. but in the end compassion is really nothing more then something we say we have.

compassion |kəmˈpa sh ən| noun
sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

really compassion cannot get us anywhere in life. we need to do something in order for our compassion to really mean anything. i might have great intentions, but if i never use them to help someone, or to change the world... then i will not get anywhere.

i know, i know. who am i to talk about change. i am a middle class white girl who even though she doesnt have much money is warm and has a full stomach on this snowy cold night. well i have banana, and all i can challenge you to adopt a kid like banana who you can sponsor. Its weird but, it makes working not seem as bad knowing that if i wasnt working banana would not be getting money right now.

think about it. i sponsor banana through compassion international. there are other organizations that work the same. But check them out. its feels awesome to make a difference!



hillary elizabeth

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