January 24, 2010

growing up

growing up. 
(disclaimer) well first off its the depressing weather here in anderson. its gloomy all day long and it just wears on a person. therefore this picture and this post will most likely be gloomy. 
so back to growing up... its probably one of the worst feelings in the world. to grow is: 
grow |grō|
verb ( past grew |groō|; past part. grown |grōn|) [ intrans. ]
1 (of a living thing) undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically; progress to maturity. 

undergo natural development. well nature development includes plants. seeing that i'm obsessed with with trees i'm going to talk about them in this case. so trees start off super small and grow to be huge. every year they add a layer to their mass, and therefore undergo natural development. humans do the same thing every year, but hopefully not always to our mass but to our intelligence... i know, i know. this might be a stretch but i believe that God programmed our growth all very similar. 

increasing in size and changing physically... this has to do with physically growing. : ) when we get older and as we continue to get older we continue to grown. just like our noses and hair and ears will always continue to grow.

the last definition is progressing to maturity. this is where i really started to think. one of my good guy friends. we will call him c. he just got his ears pierced.  don't get me wrong, it looks great on him, and my roommate she is in the process of gauging her ears. it just interests me so much that after we stop our physical change we continue to change things physically to fill that void. almost as if since we are not getting taller we need a way to wrap our minds around aging and getting growing up. its how humans grasp their life... i can so far tell you the story of my life by stringing together the things that i changed, and major things i did in my life. 
i think this is how everyone handles life. but in different ways. maybe some people do it was tattoo's or with song albums they bought. but no matter what somethings major changes the way people remember life. 

so this picture is me. freshman year, second semester, 3d glasses from avatar that just came out, and a nose piercing. i will soon have gauges in my ears and i am starting to change. and even though i hate big change, like knowing i am growing up... i love little changes. i love coloring my hair, or being a vegetarian. maybe piecing my nose, or my lip.. gauging me ears. those things remind me of who i am. these things make up my growing up experience. but its wonderful. 

growing up....


hillary elizabeth

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