January 20, 2010

would it bother you more if they used guns?

something about art students makes me want to hit them.

yes, i said hit them.

here is the thing, they can never be wrong... and when they pretend like they know something and they are wrong its because someone lied to them.
i'll give you an example. there is a girl in my art department, we will call her z for all intensive purposes. z made the statement that she voted for our current president, which does get me wrong that is everyones own opinion. i asked why she did that, and she came back at me with a harsh statement, "because he promised the world just like all politicians do, and didnt come through at all."
"well i know that i felt like i knew that when i was in school, and reading up on him, is there a reason that you didnt know anything about him?"
of course z was a little mad, and i agree i should not have belittled her and pretended like she didnt know what she was talking about. z of course just told me that she didnt know any different and did read up on him... a lot. (which i still find unbelievable). but when someone states that they voted for a democrat i normally ask their stance on abortion. seeing that it is a subject that i feel very strongly about. then she told me that she felt that abortion should not be illegal because then girls are just going to go in back allies and get in done.
here is the thing. people who do not value life are basically saying that if a babies life isnt important, then neither is their own. if abortion was illegal, and a girl chose to go into "back allies" then they know they could die, hell they should die. they are killing an innocent child.

one third of my generation has is dead from abortion. this is not a subject that can be dismissed just because some person thinks they know all the answers, but today it was. there are many things that i am passive about, but abortion, taking innocent lives. that is death, that is something to care about. and it should not be taken lightly.

the title of this blog is would it bother you if they used guns? and i think that is a very legit question, because what people don't realize is, its the same thing. z doesnt grasp this. z will stand up and say the iraq war is pointless because innocent lives are being taken... but babies a day die in the U.S. alone because of abortion.

i am not going to post a picture of a baby who has just been aborted, its too gruesome, and i personally just cannot do it. but i should. well i hope you got something out of this. ponder it.

take it in.
-hillary elizabeth

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